Sunday, October 24, 2010


i pray for my city . that by the end of this day
as we choose our new mayor,let our hearts lead the way
may we vote our convictions , not led by fear
guided by hope, beyond all our despair
our city needs all the light we can give
let us share our belief for this place that we live
Toronto our name it means meeting place
a beacon of hope for the whole human race
more than 200 nations have come to this land
builders of dreams by thought and by hand
let our minds come together to bless the mayor to be
may he be guided by love and humility
may respect for each other be the clarion call
new inspiration pervade city hall
so as you go forth to cast your sacred vote
my blessings to you,and thats all she wrote

The Gomberg Effect!

Weird, or what? Every time Gomberg appears at one of the
Mayoral gatherings, one of the frontrunner candidates disappears.

Several months ago, Gomberg appeared at the Trinity-St.Paul debate. Gomberg sat in Smitherman’s place, as Smitherman was away in China. After his opening statement, then-candidate Giorgio Mammoliti responded: “How am I supposed to follow that?” The next week, he quit the race.

Two weeks ago in Scarborough, Gomberg made an appearance, and Sarah Thompson disappeared.

Last week, at the CBC debates, Rocco Rossi was asked “If not you, who should people vote for?” He responded “Howard Gomberg,” and then he disappeared.

Gomberg says “With time running out, if you give me the opportunity I can still get rid of some of the remaining candidates. Otherwise we are faced with a choice between the terrible, the horrible, and the inconsequential.”

When asked “Who will win the race?” Gomberg responded “I don’t know, but I know who will lose. You, me, and the rest of the city.”

Gomberg has just finished taping an interview with CBC Montreal, the InfoMan program. They are concerned that the madness that has gripped Toronto might be infectious.


to the media mavens you know not what you've done
you have caused this disaster and when all's said and done
one will be winner whilst the rest of us lose
you made the choice that we had to chose
between the serpent the cyclops and the cute little prince
you have the chutspa and try to convince
there were none better ? no other choice?
no better vision ?no eloquent voice?
you made the decision right from the start
who'll be the front runner, who wont play a part
you determined for us for whom we should vote
jamming your candidates down all of our throats
and now it's too late the thought makes me cringe
you have crowned one of them and called us the fringe
i weep for toronto, but we will endure
you are forgiven, now go sin no more

Friday, October 22, 2010


friends, citizens,voters, lend me your ear
do not succumb to the mongers of fear
the media tells us we are wasting our vote
unless we choose the ones they shoved down our throat
we are forced to accept which evil is less
the terrible or horrible oy what a mess
but there are other choices other voices to hear
the only votes that are wasted, are the votes cast in fear
so i say unto you,when you enter that booth
cast your vote for a much higher truth
weather or not you vote for me
pray for the winner whoever it be

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


friends are you suffering from MAYORAL DYSFUNCTION or afflicted with ELECTILE DIFFICULTY then ask you doctor or political advisor about GOMBERG. if you are tired of SMALL minded visions, SOFT headed policy,QUICK fixes to the complex issues of the day, than consider GOMBERG he is a HARD act to follow, STIFF competition and LONG on new ideas. for an ELECTION lasting more than 9 months contact GOMBERG immeadiatly. GOMBERG FOR MAYOR he rubs you the right way

Tuesday, October 19, 2010



Tuesday, October 12, 2010


alert today oct 12th 3:00pm a gathering of alternative mayoral candidates. at bloor united church 300 bloor st west. see you there

Monday, October 11, 2010

Howard's 180o Campaign - BEST for Toronto!

Mayoral candidate Howard Gomberg reaffirms his 180o Campaign as best for Toronto

TORONTO – Mayoral candidate Howard Gomberg today reaffirmed his commitment to empower Torontonians to be the best they can be, with his multi-tiered 180o Campaign that aims to harvest the collective wisdom of the city’s diverse residents and includes giving away part of his salary to keep top candidates on the payroll.

“As mayor, my job would be to bring out the genius of the people of Toronto to make the changes necessary to move the city ahead,” says Gomberg. “I don’t have the answers --WE have the answers -- this is not about my ego, but about being of service to this great city; everyone in Toronto is part of the same family.”

Howard Gomberg’s 180o Campaign is based on his view that as a city, we need to “do a 180 in our thinking” and has four facets:

· A Breath of Fresh Air – Toronto to go green by 10% increments each year;

· Wisdom Buffet – experts from a wide range of fields conquer the city’s problems;

· City that Shares – mayoral responsibilities would be shared among those most qualified; and,

· City of New Mind – a plan to improve the way people think through inspirational, visionary leadership.

He counts his New Mind platform as the most important in his campaign, citing John F. Kennedy’s “To the Moon” speech as a template for forward-looking thinking. Paraphrasing a favourite Albert Einstein quote (“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”), Howard Gomberg believes that “If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you've gotten before.”

Admittedly a former member of the “why-bother-voting” demographic, Gomberg was motivated to seek the Mayor’s chair by a series of well-known events (e.g., air pollution deaths and the garbage strike of 2009) and that he took personally – as a senior, an immigrant and long-time union member – and calls on the voters of Toronto to stand up for the city they love and participate in the political process as never before.


Media contact:

Sandy Zwyer, Publicist, 416-425-9912 /

Gomberg HQ – 416-538-1085


media coverage

didja catch the end of the debate on CBC -- final question, "if not you,who?" Ford says Sarah Thompson; Smitherman says Joe Pantelone; Mr Pantelone says Rocco Rossi -- and Mr Rossi says HOWARD GOMBERG!!!! oowee and yippie skippie what a wonderful surprise!!!

Check me out at and The Toronto Examiner - here are the links: and

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My comments on CP24

1. What are your thoughts on Transit City?

"NYC and Montreal are light-years ahead of us. In twenty years we've only added four stations in this city, that's nuts. We're better than this. Every form of transit needs to be electrified and we need to be building more subways."

2. Bike lanes have become a heated topic during this campaign. Where do you stand on the issue?

"I look at the struggles between cars and bikes. It's a war out there, you have a bike lane that lasts two blocks and then war breaks out! We're better than that. We know other cities have adopted better approaches, we need to that. We just need to take something beautiful off the shelf from NYC, or Amsterdam, that's what we need to do."

3. How do you feel about the idea of charging road tolls?

"There has to be a pay as you go approach, I am in favour of road tolls."

4. What "big idea" do you have that will be part of your platform?

"We need to find new revenue. This city is the most multicultural in the world. Mayors of the world should send their staff here and we shall teach the people of the world how to build a great city, that's a cash-cow. We'll build the world's municipal university and each year tens of thousands shall send their civic workers here to learn how to build a great city."

5. How do you feel about the crime level in Toronto? How do you plan on addressing it?

"My job is about empowerment, everyone who lives here is my family, even the junkies, I have to care about them. We keep throwing money at the courts and police to a system that doesn't work, the current system is broken. It would be cheaper to send kids to college than prison."

6. What are your plans for the city's budget including property taxes?

"I think we should be making a profit, we should be calling on the entrepreneurial genius of this city. We're better than the debt we carry. We should be making a profit."

My Minute at Better Ballots (starting at 4:26)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Only 100 days left until the vote, do you know who your mayor will be?

As we enter the countdown to election day, I am increasingly concerned about the immediate and long-term consequences of our choice for mayor. While my respect for each of the front-running candidates has grown, my hope has shrunk.

The fact that each of the candidates has stepped forward and is willing to be subjected to intense scrutiny, criticism, attack and ridicule has won my appreciation but not my vote. The complete absence of imagination, creativity and inspiration is appalling. What we are being offered for this office is a collection of lawyers, accountants, bureaucrats, and professional politicians.

I want more. I want my mayor to inspire me. None of the hopefuls does that. This is the 21st century but the campaign might as well be taking place in the 19th. The complexity of the times calls for a new way of thinking, new ways of seeing, new ways of being.

These times may require a person who can see from the mountain top which way the terrain flows. A person who can anticipate where problems may arise and harness the wisdoms which make Toronto their home. 

I have spent all my adult life exploring who we are and what we may yet be. Our creativity and potential is enormous but we accept so little from ourselves. My challenge to you my fellow citizens is to see a much bigger view of our city. Open your minds, be brave, and dare to dream about the kind of city you can be proud of. Join me in the New Mind Campaign and let's have some fun along the way.

Please tell your network about this, the city is too important to be turned over to these small minds.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

touching the elephant

Hail citizens! I attended the front runner candidate's debate at OISE. The subject was what to do about the homeless situation in Toronto. Hosted by Habitat for Humanity. As i listened to each candidate make their points, I was reminded of the old wisdom story of the blind men and the elephant: a group of blind men come upon an elephant. Each one touches the elephant and tries to describe what the elephant is. One grabs the tail, and says an elephant is like a rope. Another touches the leg and declares it is like a tree. Another touches the belly and says it is like a wall, and so on. Each one was correct. The meeting was like this, but in the description of the elephant of homelessness, none had the whole picture.

It seems to me that if we can get beyond our egos, we may actually be able to do something effective in regards to the situation. What we need is a mayor who is not afraid to say "your idea is better (or more complete) than mine, and for the sake of our city I welcome your input."

Thursday, April 29, 2010

That Channel Interview

I'm on starting about 90 minutes in:

Friday, April 23, 2010

Another Press Release....

please click on the image for the larger version!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Well-known star of stage and screen reveals....

1) His last name
2) His intention to run for Mayor of Toronto!

Come to the 180º Campaign Launch on April 28th, 7:30 pm.
OISE Auditorium, 252 Bloor St. W at the St. George Subway.

Please, blog friends, get your networks involved. If I have a chance of making any kind of impact in this campaign, it will be with your help. There is the possibility of an exponential thing happening here but I can't do it without you. A special invite to the Improv Nation.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

180 Approacheth

If you're driving down the road in the same direction, you're liable to get where you're heading to. Is that where you want to go?

Toronto has drifted off course, and on April 28th I will be launching the campaign for Mayor, to correct this drift, if you get my drift! This launch is a symbolic 180 days from election day, October 25th. We're going to be doign a 180 in our thinking, from where we are to where we want to go. To do this, I will be inviting and challenging all who are interested to open and stretch their minds. For more than 30 years I have been studying how to do that, how to be more creative in our responses to situations, how to manifest our visions. How to bring stuff from thought to reality. The launch is on the April 28th, most likely at OISE (awaiting confirmation.)

I will be demonstrating group creativity process, and how to apply social artistry programs on a municipal level. The goal is to awaken our depth wisdoms and our capacities for creative response.

In other words, we are going to have fun! and we are going to challenge the status quo. Some wise person (also known as Jean Houston) suggested that we will either grow or perish. The choice is ours!

So on the 28th, BYOEM (bring your own expandable mind.) Come join Old Man Improv as we launch the campaign.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Wholey Campaign begins April 28th

This is a wholey campaign. The purpose of which is to recognize our whole-ness. Everything is interconnected, interrelated, interdependant, interesting. There is no them, there is no there; there's only us, and we're just here. There is no future, there is no past. Now is moving very fast. We must proclaim our unity, fulfil our destiny, and as far as I can see, it's really up to you and me.

From a place of wholeness, we can begin to make decisions based on the implications of wholeness. For example: you have a body. If you were to stick a pin into your finger, it's not just your finger that hurts. You hurt, the wholeness of you hurts. So too is it with every decision we make. It doesn't just hurt a small part of the wholeness; the wholeness suffers by the pain that we inflict, in our environment, in our relationships with each other, and in the decions that we make about governance.

So, in this wholey campaign, let us joyfully recognize that what we do affects everything around us. What we think matters, thoughts are things. They have like wings. They fly from mind to mind. So what we're thinking matters. In fact, it matters most of all. Everything begins with our thoughts. If you want to build a house, or make a business, or prepare a dinner, it all begins with thought. So let's think about the kind of city that's waiting to be birthed. Let us from a place of wholeness midwife the new Toronto.

The Wholey Campaign begins April 28th, so please put that in your datebook or cell phone or whatever you use to keep track of things!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mini Zoomer Manifesto

Why I decided to run for Mayor at the age of 71.

First of all, I need the work. I'm living on four pensions, and whatever part-time work I get. I understand this gig pays handsomely and I'm willing to share it with two co-mayors.
Second first-of-all, I'm tired of all the whining and complaining, especially my own. I can't continue to point fingers and say "why aren't they better than they are." I have to stand up and do something about it.

Third first-of-all was this photo to the right. I take this personally.

Fourth first-of-all was this headline. If our government can't provide us with clean, safe air, what can they do? That's the least we're entitled to, to breathe!

Why I believe I'm the perfect Zoomer candidate:

I am robustly healthy, vigorous and energetic. Because I've been a performer for almost 50 years, apparently I have the gift of the gab. I've also studied with some of the brightest minds of the 20th century and hope to bring their teachings into the municipal forum. While I still have the passion, I can still rant and rave if I have to, sing and dance as I prefer, and speak from my generation of our needs, concerns and aspirations. Let me carry your banner.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Back from Ottawa

I presented the Improv trophy that bears my name in Ottawa last weekend. This 33rd year, the winning team came from Vancouver Island. Congratulations!

The principles embodied in the improv games have a direct municipal application. The skills that are demonstrated by these young people can last a lifetime. The skills of working together as a team. When to be supportive, when to go solo; when to step forward, when to step back. To learn about committing oneself to the moment, to learn from each other. These skills are applicable whether you are a high-school student, a doctor, a lawyer, or a bank clerk. Everybody benefits if we listen, co-operate, learn and commit.

To all my improv relatives, this is another invitation to you to get involved in the campaign. Improve through improv. Above all, let's have a good time.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Me Too

I'd like to call out to my extended family.

First, I want to call out to the seniors of Toronto. Like you, I am concerned with the slow erosion of that which makes Toronto a great city: from the quality of air that we breathe to the safety on our streets, to the accessing of public spaces. Do you see these as significant problems? Me too.

Second, immigrants. Like you, I left my country during a time of neverending war and came to Canada to seek a better life. I honour your courage, your willingness to sacrifice to make a better life for yourself and your families.

Three, the creatives. I have spent a lifetime working in the creative arts and like you, I have struggled with budgets, acceptance of my work, and the frustrations of a society that values accountants and lawyers over creatives.

Four, spirit folk. Many of you are familiar with my multi-faith work, bringing together people of diverse faiths to sit with each other with respect, honour and dignity. You have dreamed a bigger dream, of the re-spiritualization of Toronto. Me too.

The improv nation. For more than forty years, I have trained people to use improvisation: to explore, and perhaps better, their lives. There are tens of thousands of you living here in Toronto whose experiences in the Improv Games are one of the highlights of their lives. Me too.

To the healers of Toronto, those who believe that we can be more creative and proactive in taking responsibility for our own health. You dream of a healthier, less medicalized city, with less dependance on our medical systems to give us the life we deserve. Me too.

To the why-bother-voting folks. Like you I have stayed away from municipal politics from the same despairing feeling that nothing will happen. Why bother? But now I feel this is an open moment. If I can call out to you in a way that respects and excites you, together we can make the changes necessary to move the city ahead. Most people in Toronto don't vote for the mayoralty election. If you do, we can accomplish great things. Do you want to go for it? Me too.

To the advertisers and marketers of Toronto, like you I have spent decades promoting products and services. Now it is time to use the best and brightest ideas in marketing our city to the world. I know you love this town. Me too.

To the despairing ones and the hurt and the sensitive. Like you, I have known the sadnesses of betrayal and broken dreams, the fears of the future, the pains of the present. But I believe that we, together, can uplift one another and see within each other the possibilities to re-create our lives. While we are still alive, let's bring back hope. Are you up for it? Me too.

To my brothers and sisters in the Unions. I have been a proud union member all of my adult life and I'm currently a member of six craft unions (but that's another story.) I feel I can call out to you legitimately and say that we have forgotten our purpose as Union people. We have traded in our vision of a brighter tomorrow for a larger hat with which to beg. This is the 21st century, we need a new mind. We're better than that.

And finally, to the entrepreneurial class. For decades I have been an artistic entrepreneur, creating employment opportunities for myself and others. I call upon you to create a vision that is filled with abundance, that acts like a magnet and attracts to Toronto the best entrepreneurial minds in the world. Let's call out to the world that Toronto is in renaissance mode, come join the excitement. Do you love this town? Me too.

Do you believe that we are just beginning to tap into the potential of what this city offers to the world? Me too.

On April 28th we will have the official launch of my campaign. Please stand by for the when and where. I look forward to seeing you then.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Improve through Improv: the sequel

Old Man Improv here, about to head off to Ottawa, for the 30-somethingth national finals of the Canadian Improv Games. I have the joyous opportunity to give away my trophy to the winning team.

Improvisation is like the fountain of youth, it keeps the mind agile, you have creative responses to situations around you, it's a playful point of view. The jolt of youthful, positive energy that I get from the Games propells me like a rocket into the next year.

Last year, we had teams from Australia come and play with us, and we did the feet-in-the-air pledge (from 6:30 to 8:00 on the video, roughly.)

What does this have to do with running for Mayor of Toronto?

By now, tens of thousands of you graduates are living here in Toronto, and somewhere in your memory is the joy and the positive experience of being involved with the improv games, whether you were a player, a friend/relative or spectator, you know what an optimistic experience that was.

Now I call upon you, you who have become artists, doctors, lawyers, politicians; now is the time for us to join our energies together in an improv revival to help revive the vision of Toronto. Join me on April 28th, get your improv muscles together as we improve through improv.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Art of Business/the Business of Art

I was reading with interest the post of Gillian Hewitt Smith on the Toronto Star "Your City, My City" blog. I couldn't agree more. In fact, in the era of bean counters in positions of power, we have lost track of key ideas: what is a culture? what is a city?

Quiz: name one accountant or one lawyer from 60 years ago. Now, name one artist or musician from that time.

Throughout history, great cities have risen and presided over a crossroads and meeting place of commerce and culture. In ancient Byzantium, caravans would arrive from every direction, bringing with them their unique spices, fabrics, rugs, pottery, etc. Around campfires, dancers, musicians, storytellers and philosophers would exchange their culture's highest artistic expression. The resultant mix of visions would influence the development of the home cultures, and as consciousness expanded, a renaissance of arts, culture, architecture and wisdom was sure to follow.

Such a time is now, such a place is Toronto, where the world brings their cultures to mix and fuse their genius. The planet comes here to share their history, wisdom and art. Let us together midwife this new Byzantium.

Covering our assets

I've been thinking about what it means to privatise and sell off. My in-laws own a farm, and the idea of privatising the farm, or selling it off, is a terrible idea to them. So I've been looking at what we've been selling off.

The dome, sold for chump change. The 407, we sold cheaply and they're making a fortune. I don't think we're good at this sell-off thing. Maintaining ownership, leasing, partnering, keeping some kind of control, is a much better idea. As my father-in-law says, try not to sell off the farm. Hold on to the land, you never know what you can grow or build.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The New Mind emerges

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein

The old mind has taken us a mighty long way, from caves to condos. However, the problems of 21st century Toronto linger on: homelessness, crime, litter... no matter how much money we throw at these problems, they persist.

If you continue to do what you've always done,
You'll continue to get what you've gotten before.
You can't expect any more, too much truth to ignore.
If you're driving down the road in the same direction,
You're liable to end up where you're heading to.
You know it's true
What else can we do?
We've got to turn ourselves around
Take another point of view
Do what it takes, see what else can be found
It's really up to you
For if you go to plant corn, expect to get squash
At harvest you'll be somewhat confused
No-one here is amused
This is circular self-abuse

The old mind specialized in separation, the dominance of the left brain. We can separate everything: the atom, the DNA, nations, religions. The new mind understands that everything is interconnected, interdependent, interrelated, interesting.

There is no longer an "away" to throw anything away. They took our "away" away. Therefore, what do we do with our garbage? If there are dioxins in polar bears, none of us are immune to the contamination of the earth.

The new mind makes decisions that reflect sustainability, survivability. The new mind is an open, sharing, illuminated, creative, optimistic view of the possibilities of life.

I therefore propose that Toronto position itself as a city of the new mind, as the creativity capital of the world. That the citizens will participate in a variety of experiences that are aimed at growing our minds and envisioning the new Toronto.

"You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...." John Lennon

Friday, March 12, 2010

The sharing city

In order to share something, you've got to have something to share. In Toronto, we don't have oil or gold. But we have an unlimited and untapped resource. No, it's not a windfarm in Lake Ontario, although I think that's a good idea. It's the people who make up Toronto. The whole world has brought its culture and wisdom here, and we manage to live together more or less peaceably. That is something to be proud of and something we can share.

In contrast to New York, which is the home of the United Nations, I propose that Toronto be the home of the united cities of the world. I therefore propose the establishment of a permanent World Municipal University, as a teaching forum on how to make a great city. Using the great facilities we have in Toronto, we would help teach mayors, civic staff, urban planners, etc.

We should not only share our wisdom, we should share our wealth. I think Toronto is such a great city that it should be run as a profit-making business. Surely the entrepreneurs of Toronto can come up with a plan so that the city makes a profit and that we have enough to share with other cities.

Finally, I believe that we should issue shares in the city of Toronto. All who live, work or own businesses in Toronto should benefit from these shares. (Psst... entrepreneurs! marketing specialists! surprise me! inspire me!) If you own shares in something you may think about it and care for it a little differently.

I'm happy to share this with you... now share your thoughts with me!

human dignity human dignity human dignity human dignity human dignity human dignity human dignity

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Improve through improv: the new mind is emerging

Attention lovers of improvisation!

Old Man Improv (me) is calling on the Improv Nation (you) to rise up and come play with me as I run for Mayor of Toronto. As you know, I had the joy of creating the Canadian Improv Games more than 30 years ago and there are tens of thousands of you out there who experienced what the Improv Games are all about.

Let us improvise together, and envision the could-be Toronto. Let's gather together on April 28th, place to be determined. Let's take the Improv energy and pour it into the electoral process of Toronto.

April 28th is a symbolic 180 days until election day, October 25th. Together we can do a 180 on our thinking about our city, and co-create the future of Toronto. Everything begins in the mind: building a house, writing a song, making a meal, it all begins in the mind; let's use ours creatively.

Let's use the same skills we developed as improvisers: to co-operate, to learn, to commit ourselves to the moment, and above all to have a good time.

This is a unique moment in Toronto. We will either continue drifting in the current direction, or we will change course! I invite you to jump on board the Good Ship Improv and help us chart the voyage into the future.

Improv scenarios to think about: Imagine it's ten years from now. What's different. Make it up, and send it along. Post your responses here! if it's a video, give us a link.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Toronto goes for the gold!

We used to be the #1 city in the world. Now we're at either #4 or #15 depending on who you ask (EIU or Mercer.) To me that suggests that we've drifted off course, and this doesn't content me. We're better than that!

Let's go for it as a city. Let's determine right here and now that we want the gold! It's not going to be easy to get there but it could be creative and fun.

So I call upon the spirit of the city: rise up, and let us go for the gold!

Wisdom Buffet

We are so blessed in Toronto. Now more than 50% of our residents can claim that they came from somewhere else in the world; me among them. They bring to Toronto an incredible array of food, fashion, culture, art, and perhaps most importantly, wisdom. And I know that no matter how smart and funny I am, it's nothing compared to what's out there. So here's my program:

First, it will be my honour as Mayor of Toronto to call upon and harvest the wisdoms of the city through Wisdom Councils. Here's the idea: "Somebody, somewhere, sometime, must have figured something out that is of use to us today." Dr. Jean Houston does similar work for the UN. Let there be Wisdom Councils throughout the city, sharing their insights on 21st century Toronto.

Second, we can chronicle and archive the wisdoms of Toronto. Danny Beaton has been recording the wisdom of the indigenous elders for years and years. He is willing to help train young filmmakers to record the wisdom traditions of their families. What a resource!

Last, let's market ourselves as a cross-cultural destination. In Toronto a visitor could try an aikido lesson, have lunch in little Italy, go to a belly-dancing workshop in the afternoon, dine on Thai food, and then catch any one of a dozen concerts. Business leaders who want to expose their employees to new ways of thinking can find them here. "Come visit the whole world, it lives in Toronto."

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Four pillars

I'd like to introduce the four pillars of my platform:

1. A breath of fresh air
2. A wisdom buffet
3. A city that shares
4. In a new-mind way

Over the next few posts I'll be discussing each of these, and I'll start, now, with "a breath of fresh air."

There's nothing more important than the next breath you take. A sane city that takes care of its citizens ensures that the air quality, to the best of its ability, is good. That's about as basic as we can get. I want to live in a city that guarantees me the right to breathe fresh air.

1. All carbon vehicles (oil, gas, diesel, etc) should be replaced with environmentally friendly, benign, hopefully locally built vehicles.

2. We could be green, literally, everywhere. Urban foresting, agriculture, reducing our waste, these are all no-brainers. The means by which we do this: an enlightened and empowered citizenry. Why not have access to natural growing things, the ballet, and the hockey game? Urban agriculture, square foot gardening, these are not new ideas, they have been around since cities have existed. All we need to do is apply them.

3. Energy generation. The sooner we get rid of fossil burning and atomic energy, the happier the whole planet's going to be. Our part in that, is as quickly as we can, to harness the wind, the sun, the water, and the thermal energy. Huge amounts of this technology already exist, and more technology is being developed every day. Toronto has an educated population and I see no reason why we couldn't be a world centre for the development of new technologies that are going to help us all.

4. As a senior citizen, I value my mobility. I find that with the most comfortable shoes, I still have to deal with concrete, asphalt, etc. There are alternatives for soft underfooting that already exist. Does it make sense to make sidewalks as hard as roads built for cars? Every child knows it's more fun to walk on something soft; let's encourage walking in a way that's good for our knees and our health.

I'm inspired by the new Dongtan development in Shanghai, with its community recycling and combined heat and power, and by initiatives in already built cities, such as Copenhagen's world's largest offshore windmill park, and Vancouver's 100-year plan for green living. If Toronto is our home, let's treat it like that. We should take pride in our home.

When I leave office in 2020, I want to be able to look back and say "here's what we accomplished." There are no carbon-burning vehicles in the city of Toronto! Green cabs, electric buses, world-class subways, carbon-neutral transportation of goods. I'm standing in line for the theatre and there's a peach tree overhead, local food is being produced everywhere, vertical gardens, integrated with urban spaces. We generate 90% of our energy and have also cut our waste by 90%. The sidewalks are being steadily replaced by softwalks and we are seeing more and more pedestrians, more street life, and safer neighbourhoods for that reason.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sooner or later

If you continue to do what you've always done
You'll continue to get what you've got before
You can't expect any more
If you're driving down the road in the same direction
You're liable to get where you're heading to
You know it's true!
What else can you do?

Sooner or later, everyone knows we’re going to have to make some changes. However, at my age, I don't have much later left. I want my later sooner! I want my later now!

And here’s the least I want from my later, before I’m the late Howard:

I want to breathe clean, fresh air. If Toronto is to be a world-class, green city, then we have got to get rid of all diesel and fossil-fuel burning cars and trucks on the road.

I want to cool my hot feet in the clean waters of Lake Ontario.

I want to walk on soft surfaces. Is concrete our only choice? If my hips, knees and ankles could vote, they’d have something to say.

I want to be inspired. When was that last time you believed in something so passionately you were willing to take a risk? When was the last time you were so excited about some political idea you were willing to call your friends or throw a party?

I wish I were forty years younger, thinner and black, but I’ve been yearning for dynamic social change most of my life. While I still have energy in my body I will give back as much as I can.

If you're happy and you know it, then vote the way you've been voting. If you haven’t been voting and you’re happy with those results, then don’t vote. If you'd like to be involved in dynamic social change, then come out and join me. Together we'll dream the new Toronto.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My personal sex scandal

In light of recent developments in the mayoralty race, I think it is important for me to make a clean breast of it. I categorically deny that there is anything improper in my association with Madonna. We are casual acquaintances and that's all there is to it. Yes, we have both been seen in New York, California, and Israel, but it's just coincidental. We both value our privacy, so please don't ask her about me.

O, and that thing with Angelina? One time only. However, Brad and I are confused.

If you are still interested in my sex life, I really pity you.

And Mr. Smitherman, shall we talk about your sex life? I think we should get a grip on this. Why should any of us care who does what to whom, as long as there's no coersion and he's not doing anything to me, I can live with it. Meanwhile, let's talk about policy. Let's talk about vision. Let's talk about what it's going to take to inspire the next generation of Torontonians and to imagine a Toronto that works.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Your assignment this week

The city has drifted off course. The minds who have lead us this far are incapable of changing the direction. If they could have, they would have. We need a new way of thinking, a new way of being. We need a new vision for our city.

Let's co-create the vision for the new Toronto. As part of this quest, we need to work on ourselves, to become the change we wish to see in the world, as Gandhi recommended.

In order to get control over our judgemental natures I propose the following prescription:

Pray for the schmucks.
Heal the greedy.
Forgive the arrogant.

If you can do these things, let me know how you accomplished them!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's About The Budget

I went to the Toronto Budget meeting last night, and I learned how budgets are created. All I can say is "God help us all."

It's about nine billion dollars, and almost all of the money is allocated to the essential services of the City. There's very little consultation with communities, and zero community decision making. We're better than that!

The constraints on city revenue-raising by federal and provincial law has got to be creatively overcome. It's not a matter of lower taxes or lower services. The real issue is new revenue, and that's what I think we can create together: a compelling story of an emerging Toronto that we can share with the world. That is one of the treasures that Toronto has to offer: the fact that the whole world lives here, bringing their wisdoms, food, art and culture. Did I mention the food?

I will be calling on the creativity of the world to step up and inspire us. You know who you are!

Meanwhile, Married White Mayoral Candidate seeks somebody who's respectful with other people's money.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why I'm Running (Slowly)

People want to know why I'm running for Mayor. I've never run for anything. In my experience, things haven't changed very much, they drift a little bit in one direction or another, so I didn't bother myself with politics. But now I have to bother, for a number of reasons.

One: I feel compelled to give back to the city that has given me so much.

Two: I believe we have drifted off course. Toronto was once frequently rated as one of the best cities in the world. I want to see that again, and be proud of the city I live in.

Three: I know only a little about politics, but I know something about people, about dreams and hopes, betrayals and despair, and laughter along the way.

My belief is that people are greater than the sum of their parts. My challenge to my readers: let's prove that together.

The reason that I'm running slowly is that I'm taking my time, listening to people, and looking at other candidates. If someone else in the race truly inspires me, I'll happily step off the platform, and save myself some money for an inauguration suit.

If anyone has any experience with campaigning, I could use your help.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Season for Nonviolence

A mayor should stand up and say something that a lot of people can agree with and do. It's one way that I see the mayor engaging the people, empowering the community.

I talked about the Season for Nonviolence three years ago with Mayor Miller, and although there was some interest we didn't get it off the ground.

Season for Nonviolence is a kind of community bootcamp. It was launched in 1998 at the UN in honour of Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Over 350 major organizations: religious, business, arts and educational, are now official co-sponsors.

For the next 64 days I am inviting you, my extended family, to come on a journey. Each day, starting on January 30th, I'll be posting a word or thought to my Facebook account, along with an associated quote or meditation. The first will be "Courage."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

All Candidate's Meeting

I attended the All Candidate's (dis)Orientation Meeting. Photos weren't allowed, but here's the experience through my eyes:

Some candidates arrived by $80,000 limosines, with chauffeurs. Some arrived by cab. I showed them all up by arriving by a $100,000,000 subway system. I sat for a moment in the Peace Garden outside New City Hall, a beautiful place that's fallling into neglect.

About 50 or 60 people gathered in a committee meeting room, mostly candidates: for city council, for trustees, for mayor. Some were just bystanders who were not ready to jump in, but wanted information. It was a great mix of people, from suits to beatniks to a nursing mother. I might have been the oldest guy in the room.

The city election staff, in a power point presentation, covered the ins and outs. For instance, your millionaire uncle can't fund your entire campaign: $2,500 is the maximum from any one person. The spending limit is $1,200,000. My campaign total budget is closer to $1.80. What I understood is "be impeccable and scrupulous with other people's money." This means reciepts and rebates towards tax credits for any FUN/d/raising.

As I left, I thought: I'd better get some good people around me for this. If this is going to happen, it's going to happen because something bigger than me wants it to happen (and I weight 230 pounds.) So I enter this race humbled by the very idea of it, but if it's possible I would like to give back to the city that has given me so much. I'm not an expert politician, but I know a lot about the potential of people.

So send me your prayers and dreams for the new Toronto!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Improve through Improv

Over thirty years ago I founded the Canadian Improv Games, which now has tens of thousands of graduates. All these young people put their minds, hearts and endless enthusiasm into creating new ideas and playing around with them from different angles. Wouldn't it be fantastic to harness some of this energy into improving the city where we live?

Improvisation can be used in community building. Before committing billions of dollars and lots of time, let's improvise our way through different scenarios and see if we can make sense of the challenges and opportunities.

Over the next several months I will be introducing the practical and civic applications of the work that I've been involved with for decades, such as
  • Dr. Jean Houston's groundbreaking leadership work for the UN, empowering indigenous wisdoms
  • David Shepherd's decades of exploration into group creativity
  • Philip Berg's democratization and twenty-first century application of Kabbalah
  • Vern Harper's work bringing First Nations understandings to Toronto as an urban elder
Thank you for joining me on this journey. Next post we'll look at the Season for Nonviolence, a process that has inspired me for years.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Howard's Mayoral Musings

Beloved family, known and unknown,

I have tossed my hat into the Mayorality campaign. I've already committed one hat!

My campaign is looking like this: don't vote for me unless you have to. You may have to. What's being offered to us is more of the same, from more of the same. As Einstein said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." We need a new mind for a new world.

If New York is "the city where nations meet" then Toronto shall be the meeting place for the cities of the world. I call on the wisdoms of the world to create the kind of city we can all be proud of: a green city, a safe and healthy city, and the most creative city on the planet.

So let's have some fun, respect each other, and create the destiny for the new Toronto.