Monday, October 11, 2010

Howard's 180o Campaign - BEST for Toronto!

Mayoral candidate Howard Gomberg reaffirms his 180o Campaign as best for Toronto

TORONTO – Mayoral candidate Howard Gomberg today reaffirmed his commitment to empower Torontonians to be the best they can be, with his multi-tiered 180o Campaign that aims to harvest the collective wisdom of the city’s diverse residents and includes giving away part of his salary to keep top candidates on the payroll.

“As mayor, my job would be to bring out the genius of the people of Toronto to make the changes necessary to move the city ahead,” says Gomberg. “I don’t have the answers --WE have the answers -- this is not about my ego, but about being of service to this great city; everyone in Toronto is part of the same family.”

Howard Gomberg’s 180o Campaign is based on his view that as a city, we need to “do a 180 in our thinking” and has four facets:

· A Breath of Fresh Air – Toronto to go green by 10% increments each year;

· Wisdom Buffet – experts from a wide range of fields conquer the city’s problems;

· City that Shares – mayoral responsibilities would be shared among those most qualified; and,

· City of New Mind – a plan to improve the way people think through inspirational, visionary leadership.

He counts his New Mind platform as the most important in his campaign, citing John F. Kennedy’s “To the Moon” speech as a template for forward-looking thinking. Paraphrasing a favourite Albert Einstein quote (“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”), Howard Gomberg believes that “If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you've gotten before.”

Admittedly a former member of the “why-bother-voting” demographic, Gomberg was motivated to seek the Mayor’s chair by a series of well-known events (e.g., air pollution deaths and the garbage strike of 2009) and that he took personally – as a senior, an immigrant and long-time union member – and calls on the voters of Toronto to stand up for the city they love and participate in the political process as never before.


Media contact:

Sandy Zwyer, Publicist, 416-425-9912 /

Gomberg HQ – 416-538-1085


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