Friday, March 12, 2010

The sharing city

In order to share something, you've got to have something to share. In Toronto, we don't have oil or gold. But we have an unlimited and untapped resource. No, it's not a windfarm in Lake Ontario, although I think that's a good idea. It's the people who make up Toronto. The whole world has brought its culture and wisdom here, and we manage to live together more or less peaceably. That is something to be proud of and something we can share.

In contrast to New York, which is the home of the United Nations, I propose that Toronto be the home of the united cities of the world. I therefore propose the establishment of a permanent World Municipal University, as a teaching forum on how to make a great city. Using the great facilities we have in Toronto, we would help teach mayors, civic staff, urban planners, etc.

We should not only share our wisdom, we should share our wealth. I think Toronto is such a great city that it should be run as a profit-making business. Surely the entrepreneurs of Toronto can come up with a plan so that the city makes a profit and that we have enough to share with other cities.

Finally, I believe that we should issue shares in the city of Toronto. All who live, work or own businesses in Toronto should benefit from these shares. (Psst... entrepreneurs! marketing specialists! surprise me! inspire me!) If you own shares in something you may think about it and care for it a little differently.

I'm happy to share this with you... now share your thoughts with me!

human dignity human dignity human dignity human dignity human dignity human dignity human dignity

1 comment:

  1. IMHO Toronto is the Greatest city in the English speaking world. Having lived in other cities & towns throughout Canada I can say this is a fact. There are few cities with the diversity of cultures where people get along as well. It is an example to the world. There are few cities like Toronto with so many neighbourhoods that are alive with life after 6pm that you are happy to engage. In spite of its 'problems' it is still the safest of all cities in North America and it is the 4th or 5th largest city in North America. For the most part. it is a well planned city (Thank you to the late Dr. Hans Blumenfeld) One of its biggest challenges is to avoid 'ghettoization'. Frankly, I think that other cities that are rated higher are overrated. With the recent National pride in our showing at the Winter Olympics it would be good to carry that pride forward to a civic pride in this city of Toronto a city that works and works so well. Yes, there is always room for improvement and what those improvements should be is one of the important and non-stated issues that should be reflected in this civic election. Good Luck Howard and keep on blogging.
