Friday, November 18, 2011

Marching Again

After sixty years of involvement in social justice, environmental struggle, I realize I've worn out many pairs of shoes.

I'm marching again, and my feet hurt like hell
But I just can't sit still, count up the kill and then pay for the bill
So I'm marching again
And where is this war?
And what is it for?
And how many more must die?
So I'm marching again?
I wore out my Keds for Korea,
My Adidas I lost over 'Nam,
My Nike no likee Gulf War Number 1,
I lost my New Balance over Saddam,

So I'm marching again
Aches, pains and all
I guess I'll march 'til I die
And in heaven I'll cry
Long Live Occupy.

Keep marching!


  1. I saw you perform this at the open mic/speaker's corner at Occupy Toronto. I felt it was one of the most inspiring things I witnessed at Occupy TO. Thank you so much!!

  2. Howard, I concur and have this question for parents: are you going to take a walk in an occupied park with your kids or just put your head in a hole and whisper "this too shall pass"? Far as I'm concerned, this economic mess happened on the watch of the baby-boomers and they need to get out, occupy and be part of the solution to the mess they've allowed to happen.

    I will be wearing size 11s
