Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

touching the elephant

Hail citizens! I attended the front runner candidate's debate at OISE. The subject was what to do about the homeless situation in Toronto. Hosted by Habitat for Humanity. As i listened to each candidate make their points, I was reminded of the old wisdom story of the blind men and the elephant: a group of blind men come upon an elephant. Each one touches the elephant and tries to describe what the elephant is. One grabs the tail, and says an elephant is like a rope. Another touches the leg and declares it is like a tree. Another touches the belly and says it is like a wall, and so on. Each one was correct. The meeting was like this, but in the description of the elephant of homelessness, none had the whole picture.

It seems to me that if we can get beyond our egos, we may actually be able to do something effective in regards to the situation. What we need is a mayor who is not afraid to say "your idea is better (or more complete) than mine, and for the sake of our city I welcome your input."